The privateersman; adventures by sea and land, in civil and savage life, one hundred years ago
- 作者:Marryat, Frederick
- 馆藏单位:Internet Archive
- 出版时间:[????]
- 资源类型:英文图书
The novels of Captain Marryat. Edited by R. Brimley Johnson
- 作者:Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848; Johnson, R. Brimley (Reginald Brimley)
- 馆藏单位:Internet Archive
- 出版时间:[????]
- 资源类型:英文图书
Army life in Wisconsin Territory
- 作者:Turner, Andrew Jackson. History of Fort Winnebago; Jackson, Alfred Augustus. Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk War; Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848. English officer; s description of Wisconsin in 1837; State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Wisconsin historical collections. Vol. XIV
- 馆藏单位:Internet Archive
- 出版时间:1898
- 资源类型:英文图书