Atomic physics,by Max Born ... authorized translation from the German edition, by John Dougall ...
- 作者:Born, Max,;Sauter, Fritz,;Dougall, John,
- 馆藏单位:中山大学
- 出版时间:1935.
- 资源类型:英文图书
Natural philosophy of cause and change : being the Waynflete lectures , delivered in the college of St. Mary Magdalen , Oxford in Hilary term 1948
- 作者:Born, Max
- 馆藏单位:武汉大学
- 资源类型:英文图书
Atomic physics.
- 作者:Born, Max,
- 馆藏单位:中山大学
- 出版时间:[1951?]
- 资源类型:英文图书